Instructions-for-configuration-and-synchronization-of-a-remote-control-for-children-s-electric-cars. DTI Direct Canada
If you are here it’s because you already have one of our electric cars for children, congratulations!

It is very possible that after having assembled the car you are ready to use it using the remote control included in the product, but you don’t know how to configure it. If you have doubts about how to link your ride on car with the remote control we bring you a mini tutorial on how to do it.

Here are the steps to follow to synchronize the remote control with the electric car for children without any problem:

  1. First of all you have to insert the batteries (of the type indicated in the instructions) in the compartment of the remote control on the back of this. Once the batteries have been inserted, replace the cover.
  2. Check that the car is switched off and the charger is disconnected from the vehicle’s charging socket.
  3. Press the black forward and reverse buttons (on the left side of the remote control, with up and down arrows) for 3-4 seconds at the same time. The light on the remote control will start flashing.
  4. During the time that the light of the remote control blinks, start the vehicle (with the ignition key or start button placed on the dashboard of the car) so that they are synchronized.
  5. The light of the remote control will remain fixed, when this happens it will mean that the remote control is synchronized. Operate the remote control and check that it has been paired correctly. If not, turn off the car and start the whole process again.

Once all this is done you can play with your little one as much as you want!
For any questions about the remote control or other queries do not wait and let us know, we will be happy to help you!

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